As humans, we are designed to create, work, and make the world around us a better place. Often we find ourselves in jobs or work settings that becomes just a place to get a paycheck. Thankfully we live in a country and community where there is work available. However, work that is just a simple trade of time for money can lead to depression, burnout, and a general feeling of apathy.

Do you know where you’re going with your vocation? Are you doing what you’re passionate about? Do your unique gifting get to show up at work? When was the last time you got excited about what you’re doing with your work?

We offer an all day retreat for those who are struggling with their current direction of work or where they work. This retreat includes 4-5 hours of direct face to face guided conversations with Samuel Rainey and work around your gifting, limitations, dreams, goals, and desires for your work life. Between these guided conversations, you will have 4-6 hours of self-directed time to reflect, dream, and begin goal setting for where it is that you’d like to go with your work life. Participants leave with a clear vision about where they would like to be in 7-10 years with attainable next steps to begin realizing that vision.

If you feel stuck at work and are interested in this retreat, fill out the form below and let’s help you get unstuck.