Blackmailing Love

This is a great statement from Virginia Satir about the demands of love: “One of the truly basic problems is that our society bases the marital relationship almost completely on love and then imposes demands on it that love can never solely fulfill. If you love me you won’t do Read more…


The best explanation I have heard for shame is a simple acronym: Should Have Already Mastered Everything It’s the feeling that tells us to figure things out on our own. Don’t ask for help. Don’t admit weakness or needs. Keep the facade up, act like you know what the topic of conversation is about. Shame Read more…

The Viewpoint 1.4

The Viewpoint Life FulfillmentResearch from the “Pew Research Center” is almost always engaging, but the most recent study is really fascinating. Take a look at the below graph: Work is the #1 means to a fulfilling life for both men and women. I’m not surprised that men and women flip Read more…